Baseball Hall of Fame Class of 1956

<--1955 1957-->
Hall of FamerCategoryInducted ByYes %
Joe CroninPlayerBBWAA78.76%
Hank GreenbergPlayerBBWAA84.97%

Nominees who didn't make the cut in 1956

In 1956, there were 193 ballots cast by the voters, and a nominee needed 145 yes votes to reach the 75% threshold for induction. A minimum of 10 votes were required to remain on the ballot for the following year.

NomineeVotesYes %
Red Rolfe31.55%
Joe Sewell31.55%
Johnny Vander Meer31.55%
Glenn Wright31.55%
Ossie Bluege21.04%
Lou Boudreau21.04%
Guy Bush21.04%
Mort Cooper21.04%
Hughie Critz21.04%
Lew Fonseca21.04%
Tommy Henrich21.04%
Billy Herman21.04%
Joe Judge21.04%
Charlie Keller21.04%
High Pockets Kelly21.04%
Hal Schumacher21.04%
Riggs Stephenson21.04%
Jim Tobin21.04%
Nick Altrock10.52%
Wally Berger10.52%
Max Bishop10.52%
Dolph Camilli10.52%
Spud Chandler10.52%
Frankie Crosetti10.52%
Tony Cuccinello10.52%
Bill Dinneen10.52%
Joe Dugan10.52%
Leo Durocher10.52%
Jimmy Dykes10.52%
Rick Ferrell10.52%
Mule Haas10.52%
Stan Hack10.52%
Bill Hallahan10.52%
Bob Johnson10.52%
Sad Sam Jones10.52%
Joe Kuhel10.52%
Al Lopez10.52%
Dolf Luque10.52%
Marty Marion10.52%
Bob Meusel10.52%
Johnny Mostil10.52%
Jack Quinn10.52%
Allie Reynolds10.52%
Phil Rizzuto10.52%
Al Schacht10.52%
Wally Schang10.52%
Everett Scott10.52%
Bill Sherdel10.52%
Earl Smith10.52%
Gus Suhr10.52%
Jim Turner10.52%
George Uhle10.52%
Bill Wambsganss10.52%
Burgess Whitehead10.52%
Earl Whitehill10.52%
Ken Williams10.52%
Red Ruffing9750.26%
Edd Roush9147.15%
Lefty Gomez8946.11%
Hack Wilson7438.34%
Max Carey6533.68%
Tony Lazzeri6433.16%
Kiki Cuyler5528.5%
Hank Gowdy4925.39%
Sam Rice4523.32%
Chuck Klein4422.8%
Jim Bottomley4221.76%
Waite Hoyt3719.17%
Red Faber3417.62%
Joe Medwick3116.06%
Eppa Rixey2713.99%
Goose Goslin2613.47%
Zack Wheat2613.47%
Burleigh Grimes2512.95%
Ross Youngs199.84%
Lloyd Waner189.33%
Jimmie Wilson178.81%
Chick Hafey168.29%
Muddy Ruel168.29%
Dave Bancroft157.77%
Luke Appling147.25%
Earle Combs147.25%
Jesse Haines147.25%
Travis Jackson147.25%
Heinie Manush136.74%
Paul Derringer126.22%
Babe Herman115.7%
Cy Williams115.7%
Arky Vaughan94.66%
Howard Ehmke84.15%
Ernie Lombardi84.15%
Wes Ferrell73.63%
Pepper Martin73.63%
Bobby Doerr52.59%
Lefty O'Doul52.59%
Bucky Walters52.59%
Doc Cramer42.07%
Joe Gordon42.07%
Earl Averill31.55%
Tommy Bridges31.55%
George Earnshaw31.55%
Freddie Fitzsimmons31.55%
Freddie Lindstrom31.55%
Frank McCormick31.55%
<--1955 1957-->