Baseball Hall of Fame Class of 1960

<--1959 1961-->
Hall of FamerCategoryInducted ByYes %

Nominees who didn't make the cut in 1960

In 1960, there were 269 ballots cast by the voters, and a nominee needed 202 yes votes to reach the 75% threshold for induction. A minimum of 14 votes were required to remain on the ballot for the following year.

NomineeVotesYes %
Eddie Rommel124.46%
Earl Averill114.09%
Joe Gordon114.09%
Travis Jackson114.09%
Wally Schang114.09%
Hal Schumacher114.09%
Cy Williams114.09%
Leo Durocher103.72%
Tommy Henrich103.72%
Bob Meusel103.72%
Red Rolfe103.72%
Arky Vaughan103.72%
Muddy Ruel93.35%
Frankie Crosetti82.97%
Paul Derringer82.97%
Joe Dugan82.97%
Wes Ferrell82.97%
Pete Reiser82.97%
Harry Brecheen72.6%
Orval Grove72.6%
Babe Herman72.6%
Charlie Keller72.6%
Terry Moore72.6%
Lefty Grove62.23%
Stan Hack62.23%
Freddie Lindstrom62.23%
Ernie Lombardi62.23%
Bing Miller62.23%
Bobo Newsom62.23%
Jimmie Wilson62.23%
Moe Berg51.86%
Max Bishop51.86%
High Pockets Kelly51.86%
Tommy Bridges41.49%
Dom DiMaggio41.49%
Dolf Luque41.49%
Riggs Stephenson41.49%
George Uhle41.49%
Lon Warneke41.49%
Hal White41.49%
Ossie Bluege31.12%
Dolph Camilli31.12%
Lew Fonseca31.12%
Pinky Higgins31.12%
Ralph Kiner31.12%
Red Kress31.12%
Bob O'Farrell31.12%
Schoolboy Rowe31.12%
Luke Sewell31.12%
Eddie Stanky31.12%
Earl Whitehill31.12%
Hank Edwards20.74%
Bob Elliott20.74%
Mike Gonzalez20.74%
Bill Hallahan20.74%
Tommy Holmes20.74%
Cookie Lavagetto20.74%
Dutch Leonard20.74%
Firpo Marberry20.74%
Marty McManus20.74%
Van Mungo20.74%
Jack Quinn20.74%
Charlie Root20.74%
Bill Sherdel20.74%
Sparky Adams10.37%
Dick Bartell10.37%
Ray Blades10.37%
George Case10.37%
Mort Cooper10.37%
Doc Cramer10.37%
General Crowder10.37%
Harry Danning10.37%
Rick Ferrell10.37%
Heinie Groh10.37%
Mule Haas10.37%
Bubbles Hargrave10.37%
Addie Joss10.37%
Willie Kamm10.37%
Ken Keltner10.37%
Freddy Leach10.37%
Hans Lobert10.37%
Wally Moses10.37%
Bill Nicholson10.37%
Charley O'Leary10.37%
Johnny Pesky10.37%
Preacher Roe10.37%
Sibby Sisti10.37%
Gus Suhr10.37%
Birdie Tebbetts10.37%
Rube Walberg10.37%
Tom Zachary10.37%
Edd Roush14654.28%
Sam Rice14353.16%
Eppa Rixey14252.79%
Burleigh Grimes9234.2%
Jim Bottomley8933.09%
Red Ruffing8631.97%
Red Faber8330.86%
Luke Appling7226.77%
Kiki Cuyler7226.77%
Hack Wilson7226.77%
Tony Lazzeri5921.93%
Lefty Gomez5118.96%
Johnny Mize4516.73%
Lefty O'Doul4516.73%
Earle Combs4315.99%
Hank Gowdy3814.13%
Joe Medwick3814.13%
Chuck Klein3713.75%
Marty Marion3713.75%
Lou Boudreau3513.01%
Bucky Harris3111.52%
Johnny Vander Meer3111.52%
Dave Bancroft3011.15%
Goose Goslin3011.15%
Chick Hafey2910.78%
Waite Hoyt2910.78%
Pepper Martin2910.78%
Jimmy Dykes2710.04%
Al Lopez269.67%
Allie Reynolds248.92%
Joe Sewell238.55%
Lloyd Waner228.18%
Jesse Haines207.43%
Heinie Manush207.43%
Bucky Walters197.06%
Nick Altrock186.69%
Glenn Wright186.69%
Bobby Doerr155.58%
Joe Judge155.58%
Freddie Fitzsimmons134.83%
Charlie Grimm134.83%
Howard Ehmke124.46%
Mel Harder124.46%
<--1959 1961-->