Baseball Hall of Fame Class of 2012

<--2011 2013-->
Hall of FamerCategoryInducted ByYes %
Barry LarkinPlayerBBWAA86.39%
Ron SantoPlayerVeterans

Nominees who didn't make the cut in 2012

In 2012, there were 573 ballots cast by the voters, and a nominee needed 430 yes votes to reach the 75% threshold for induction. A minimum of 29 votes were required to remain on the ballot for the following year.

NomineeVotesYes %
Jack Morris38266.67%
Jeff Bagwell32156.02%
Lee Smith29050.61%
Tim Raines27948.69%
Alan Trammell21136.82%
Edgar Martinez20936.47%
Fred McGriff13723.91%
Larry Walker13122.86%
Mark McGwire11219.55%
Don Mattingly10217.8%
Dale Murphy8314.49%
Rafael Palmeiro7212.57%
Bernie Williams559.6%
Juan Gonzalez234.01%
Vinny Castilla61.05%
Tim Salmon50.87%
Bill Mueller40.7%
Brad Radke20.35%
Javy Lopez10.17%
Eric Young10.17%
Phil Nevin00%
Brian Jordan00%
Ruben Sierra00%
Jeromy Burnitz00%
Terry Mulholland00%
Tony Womack00%
<--2011 2013-->